Tuesday, 9 December 2008


Wow, so it's a new blog. I had to move from my old one because too many people read it and it got me in to too much trouble. I plan not to tell ANYONE about this one. Maybe someone will find it, I doubt it though. I'll probably end up telling someone about it because i'll write something super entertaining and feel the need to share it. I could just post that in my old blog though. Although it would probably be offensive to someone and i'd get into trouble about it. Whatever, if anyone's reading this they're probably bored by now. I wanted to make a blog because I wanted to write down stuff about how I feel so I remember it. I didn't want to write a diary though because I prefer typing. And i didn't just want to have a word document because well, that's just kind of stupid. At least SOMEONE might read this, somewhere and maybe it will achieve something.

OK. so right now I hate my life and I don't even know where to start. Well I do kinda, its with this guy, let's call him the idiot. This guy used to be one of my best friends, about 6 years ago say. Now I can't stand him, hanging out with him makes me want to constantly punch him in the face. I have to be in a band with him though. I HAVE TO BE IN A BAND WITH HIM. There is no if, buts or maybes about that. Since I was 15 I always wanted to be in a band. ALWAYS. It is the one thing I've always wanted to do with my life. ALWAYS. I have spent the better part of six years being in a band that has got bigger and bigger, practically on the verge of doing it for a career, which is what I've always wanted.

But I have to do this with one of the most annoying/selifsh people I have ever met. And I don't know if I can take it anymore. I could write down everything but it would take the rest of my life. If I don't have a band though I don't have anything, my whole life will be void and all my principles destroyed and i'll just become another grunt and wish I had the balls to kill myself.

I say to myself I've always been this negative but have I? It seems that way but there must have been something to make me this way. But i don't know what or when it was. I wish I could be normal and just have a shitty job and a house and a dog and a girlfriend who i cheat on and a coke habit that is getting out of control. I need to do something important with my life. I thought it was the band. Maybe it still is, but I wish I didn't have to question it constantly because of how much of a fucktard one person is.