Thursday, 5 March 2009

another night sat round this table
conversation as stale as the leftovers
unspoken disappointment resonates
24 hour headaches won't go away
brains won't stop thinking

you coulda been a contender
yeah, i coulda been someone
instead of so painfully introspective

i'll play out my part

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

fuck it here are some lyrics

yeah right. i think i figured out my problem. i also get acutely embarrassed when i have to do anything that people can ciriticise me for. especially if it means something to me and i'm actually trying. hence being shit at music, never learning to play properly or sing, playing bass and probably being shit at writing too.

if you follow the shoreline
maybe one day you'll understand it
embedded in this excuse of reality
watch an alligator snap, watch the ash from your cigarette fall
sink to the floor
so far away

the party's over but they're still laughing
just laughing in the corner
i know they're always laughing
going throught the motions of another night
i hope i made the occasion
hope i receive the next invitiation

we'll pass on the street
talk now and then
play out our parts like they were written so long ago
anonymous as the day we first met
Its 2.41. its a wednesday night i think. yeah, it is. i've been playing my guitar for a couple of hours. I played a manchester orchestra song all the way through. It was easier than I thought it would be. i guess I'm getting better at guitar. gotta keep practicing though.

fuck i really wanted to write a blog but now i'm here it just isn't happening and i just want to go to bed. i wish i could get motivated. about anything. when did i stop caring? why did i stop caring?